About LAE

Loyola Academy of Excellence (LAE)

It was started with a focus towards fostering a penchant for learning among students through creative and innovative activities. An initial step towards achieving this aim is promoting objective tests in various subjects that provide an alternative perspective to the students about exams and thereby empowering the students.

LAE has come up with Capacity Building Initiative (CBI) which will provide an opportunity for the students to kindle their interests in learning, nurture their inherent talents and achieve their aspirations.

As a step towards bridging the gap between rote learning and cognitive learning, Capacity Building Assessments (CBA) have been planned to be conducted in all schools for students from classes 3 to 12 under our CBI. This is a Olympiad exam for students. This exercise helps to stimulate critical thinking, problem solving and logical reasoning capability in addition to and in line with their academic knowledge. This would eventually lead to improving their psychometric ability as well.
